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Tick-tock... as the clock counts down to colorful event
Idoma International Carnival
A Mosaic of Iridescent Crayons
Set on an ancient hill of ancestral warriors, Otukpo rises to sunshine in an embrace—lit, brighter than anywhere else in the world. Ironically, she is constantly the envy of the sun as once every year, she welcomes tourists, Idoma’s in Nigeria and the diaspora as well as other visitors, who travel a cumulative 10,000 plus kilometres to witness the Idoma International Carnival, a mosaic of all the beautiful colours there is.
The Idoma International Carnival 2021 tagged ‘Otuokpoche K’acholalo’ (Hope for our people) is slated for the 23rd – 26th December. Certainly, it is one to prepare and mark your calendar for.
Established in 2013, the Idoma International Carnival is a four-day unity and tourism-driven carnival which features contemporary and traditional entertainment events. The carnival is held annually to showcase the Idoma cultural heritage and her tourism potentials globally,
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.Albert Einstein
Events & Activities
Idoma Unity Cup (football tournament finale) Idoma Culture and History Tour Culture and Media Conference
Jean Carnival Opening Ceremony/Idoma Achievement Award
Otuokpoche K'acholalo
The Carnival events
The parades and other events happen during the three official days of the carnival. The carnival kicks off in the morning and stretches to the afternoon of the same day with procession/Parade in Otukpo followed by migration from Otukpo to Apa between the afternoon and evening of the first day. Later in the evening of the same day is another segment known as burn fire and performances by music artists